of Botanical Extracts
Agar Agar
0002 Alfalfa Leaves
0003 Allspice
0004 Aloe Cape
0005 Aloe Vera
0006 Althea (Marshmallow
0007 Anise Seed
0008 Astragulas
0009 Barberry, Bark of
0010 Bayberry, Bark of
0011 Been Pollen
0012 Beet Root
0013 Bioflavanoids
0014 Black Cohosh Root
0015 Blackberry Leaves
0016 Black Walnut Hills
0017 Bladderwrack
0018 Blessed Thistle
0019 Blueberry Leaves
0020 Blue Malva-Flowers
0021 Blue Vervain
0022 Boneset Herb
0023 Bromelain
0024 Buchu Leaves
0025 Buckthorn Bark
0026 Burdock Root
0027 Butchers Broom Root
0029 Butternut Bark
0030 Capsicum (Cayenne)
0031 Cascara Sagrada
0032 Casanthranol
0033 Catnip Herb
0034 Cats Claw Bark
0035 Celery Seed
0036 Chamomile Flowers
0037 Chickweek Herb
0038 Chicory Root
0039 Cinnamon
0040 Cleavers Herb
0041 Cloves
0042 Coltsfoot
0043 Cornsilk
0044 Cramp Bark
0045 Damiana Leaves
0045 Dandelion Leaves
0046 Dandelion Root,
0047 Dandelion Root, Raw
0048 Devils Claw
0049 Dong Quai
0050 Dulse
0051 Echinacea
Angustifolia Herb
0052 Echinacea
Angustifolia Root
0053 Echinacea
Angustifolia/Pallida Herb
0054 Echinacea
Angustifolia/Pallida Root
0055 Echinacea Pallida
0056 Echinacea Purpurea
0057 Echinacea Purpurea
0058 Elder Berry
0059 Elder Flower
0060 Elecampane
0061 Elm Bark
0062 Ephedra (Ma Huang)
0063 Eucalyptus-Leaves
0064 Eyebright Herb
0065 Fennel Seed
0066 Feverfew Herb
0067 Fenugreek Seed
0068 Fo-Ti
0069 Garlic
0070 Gentian Root
0071 Ginkgo Leaves
0072 Ginseng Root
0073 Ginseng root, Panax
0074 Glucomannan
0075 Golden Seal Herb
0076 Golden Seal Root
0077 Gota Kola Herb
0078 Green Tea
0079 Guar Gum
0080 Guarana Seed
0081 Gynnema Sylvestre
0082 Hawthorne Berries
0083 Hesperidin
0084 Hibiscus Flowers
0085 Hops, Seedless
0086 Horehound Herb
0087 Horsetail Herb (Shavegrass)
0088 Huckleberry Leaves
0089 Hydrangea Root
0090 Hyssop Herb
0091 Irish Moss
0092 Juniper Berries
0093 Kava Kava
0094 Kola Nut
0095 Kudzu Root
0096 Lavender Flowers
0097 Lemon Grass
0098 Licorice Root
0099 Linden Flowers
0100 Marigold Flowers
0101 Milk Thistle
0102 Missouri Snake Root
0103 Muggwort
0104 Mullein Leaves
0105 Myrrh Gum
0106 Nettle Leaves
0107 Oatstraw
0108 Orange Peel
0109 Oregon Grape Root
0110 Papain
0111 Papaya Fruit Powder
0112 Papaya Leaves
0113 Paprika
0114 Parsley Leaves
0115 Pau D'Arco (Ipe
0116 Passion Flower Herb
0117 Peppermint Leaves
0118 Pinguica
0119 Plantain Leaves
0120 Pleurisy Root
0121 Psllium Husk,
0122 Psllium Seed,
0123 Pumpkin Seed
0124 Raspberry Leaves
0124 Red Clover Tops
0125 Rhubarb Root
0125 Rose Hips
0126 Rosemary Leaves
0127 Rutin
0128 Rutin (Food Grade)
0129 Safflower
0130 Sage Leaves
0131 Sarsaparilla Root
0132 Sussafras Leaves
0133 Saw Palmetto
0134 Schisandra
0135 Scullcap Herb
0136 Senna Leaves
0137 Slippery Elm-Bark
0138 Sodium Copper
0139 Spearmint Leaves
0140 Spirulina
0141 Strawberry Leaves
0142 Stevia Leaves
0143 Suma (Pfaffia
0144 Topioca Flower
0145 Thyme Leaves
0146 Uva Ursi Leaves
0147 Valerian Root
0148 Violet Leaves
0149 Vitex Agnus Castus
0150 Watercress Herb
0151 Watermelon Seed
0152 White Oak Bark
0153 White Willow Bark
0154 Wild Cherry Bark
0155 Wild Yam
0156 Wood Betony Herb
0157 Wormwood Herb
Yarrow Flowers
0159 Yellow Dock Root
0160 Yerba Mate
0161 Yucca